Discover our solutions

Alocação de Profissionais de TI

For Antlia, the allocation of professionals goes beyond the provision of body shop services, as it is based on a close partnership between client and supplier. Our aim is to transform the IT operation into a powerful tool for the organization's business.

Our Team

With a specialized recruitment team, Antlia guarantees the appointment of professionals who are certified and up-to-date on the most diverse technological platforms, due to the efficiency of its selection processes.

Market Best Practices

Looking for Professionals? Antlia also maintains a constantly updated talent pool. Its consultants are selected according to the client's profile and needs.

Comprehensive monitoring

The business team closely monitors the day-to-day lives of its professionals on assignment, solving problems and indicating constant improvements for a healthier corporate environment.

Filtering by Technical Tests

Through the application of specific tests, we find the most qualified professionals to best meet our clients' demands. All tests are created and evaluated by a team specialized in the best technologies on the market.

Talk to our Alocação de Profissionais de TI


We have other solutions besides Alocação de Profissionais de TIsee below:

Constantly striving for excellence in the quality of its services
Desenvolvimento Angular

Angular Development

Antlia's Angular development team has extensive experience in the TypeScript and JavaScript languages and specializes in the various versions of the Framework. We can meet your front-end demands, whatever they may be.

Desenvolvimento Mobile

Mobile Development

We have specialized professionals with extensive experience in mobile development using the Swift, React Native and Flutter languages.

Processos de Help Desk

Help Desk Processes

We develop and apply Help Desk Processes for answering calls, guaranteeing a complete history of the problem. This allows us to extract information to generate indicators and reduce the number and time of your company's calls.

Chamados de TI

IT Tickets

Antlia has specialized professionals to handle IT calls, carrying out complete control from start to finish, thus guaranteeing user satisfaction.

Microsoft Partner

Microsoft Partner

We have been a Microsoft Partner since 2011. This provides greater quality and agility in the development of projects using MS tools.

Desenvolvimento FrontEnd

Frontend Developer

Our allocation professionals are trained in front-end development, bringing security, efficiency and greater usability to your systems. We develop frontend solutions for a variety of companies using the most widely used technologies on the market.

Desenvolvimento Backend

Backend Developer

Our Backend Developers for allocation are certified and trained, providing security and efficiency. We develop backend solutions for various companies using the most widely used technologies on the market.

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